How do i enable the java plugin for firefox 52esr
How do i enable the java plugin for firefox 52esr

I mean, the CFO isn't going to lose his job if a server gets hacked. And as far as security concerns, UNTIL they actually GET HACKED and unless it is mandated by a regulation or something legal (PCI, for example) security is a secondary consideration at best. As long as it is still working they will keep using it until it falls apart. The corporate overlords don't care about obsolete hardware.

How do i enable the java plugin for firefox 52esr upgrade#

We only switched from XP to 7 because the fines and extended support costs became more expensive than the upgrade was. I don't know who keeps downvoting these comments but whoever it is obviously does not understand the realities of a corporate environment, especially ones like mine where IT is NOT IN CONTROL of what gets purchased and upgraded. I just wish it would focus on being a brilliant browser suitable for power users. Which is a real shame, because Mozilla fulfils a vital role in the browser market: one not regarding users as data to be mined. The problem is that while I can appreciate the idea of disabling insecure protocols, by removing them completely screws your users who may have valid reasons for still needing them. Recently I've had to use IE at work more in order to overcome the automatic disabling of various security protocols which, as far as I can see, have no way to re-enable. The big disappointment for me is that Mozilla has forgotten/abandoned its original audience: The technically competent (often working in IT) who found a better browser and advocated its use. We don't have the option to "update our stuff". Whether we like it or not, we have hardware with Java web user interfaces that will be around for the foreseeable future. I guess you don't work in enterprise IT then. Absent vendor support, you can only nurse an aging Java-only switch/router/network appliance for so long, before you have to finally admit that it's rightly obsolete. It should be pretty obvious that the last option is vastly preferable, from a security standpoint. Keep around an old copy of Firefox (perhaps in a virtual machine, for security purposes) with updates disabled, or Run your Java applets locally, outside of a browser, or While I dislike Java as much as the next person, I still need it to do my job.

How do i enable the java plugin for firefox 52esr